The power of substance over volume: being heard in a noisy world

In a world that seems to value the loudest voice, it's easy to believe that being the most vocal will grant you the most significant influence. But we’re here to tell you that being the loudest doesn't guarantee that the content is the most important or impactful. In fact, substance trumps volume when it comes to delivering a presentation or getting noticed by the media.

Public speaking can be intimidating, especially when sitting alongside assertive and outspoken panellists. But you don’t need to be someone that you’re not. There are plenty of ways to be an engaging speaker, without being the loudest voice in the room.

So here are some essential tips to build confidence and shine during any speaking engagement including discussion panels:

Embrace your authentic voice: your uniqueness is your strength
Recognise that your soft-spoken nature is part of your authentic self. Embrace it with pride, as it brings a distinct perspective to the table. Remember, being genuine and true to yourself is far more impactful than trying to match the volume or energy of others.

Positive Self-Talk
Before your speaking engagement, remind yourself of your strengths, knowledge, and the value of your message. Believe in your ability to connect with the audience through your authentic voice.

Come prepared with compelling stories
Arm yourself with engaging anecdotes and key points that will resonate with your audience. Well-crafted stories have the power to captivate and leave a lasting impression. So rehearse these stories and have them up your sleeve to use to help listeners connect with the data points.

Focus on substance Over style:
As we said earlier, don't feel pressured to match the personalities or energy of other panellists or speakers ahead of you. Instead, focus on delivering substantive content. A thoughtful and well-prepared presentation will command attention and respect, regardless of charisma and volume.

Embrace the power of listening:
Use your soft-spoken nature to your advantage by actively listening to others. Engage in the discussion, show genuine interest in their perspectives, and respond thoughtfully. Audiences appreciate speakers who listen and adapt to the conversation.

Take your pauses to really make a point
Silence can be compelling. Use strategic pauses to emphasise key points and allow your words to sink in. Pausing also gives you a moment to collect your thoughts, enhancing the clarity and impact of your message.

Emphasise your expertise
Remember that you were chosen to speak for a reason – your expertise and unique perspective. So trust in your knowledge and the value you bring to the discussion. Confidence in your authority will resonate with the audience.

If you’re keen to build your confidence as a speaker for Q&A panels and industry events, get in touch about our 1:1 and group presentation skills training.


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