Mastering distractions and disruptions: tips for a strong presentation

We've all witnessed our fair share of viral videos featuring Zoom meetings gone awry, especially during COVID-19 lockdowns, when virtual meetings became the new normal. From unexpected background appearances to amusing toddler invasions, distractions and disruptions can happen to anyone.

The key to a successful presentation lies in how you handle these situations and regain the audience's attention. So here are a few tips from our BTW Media Trainers!

Expect the unexpected
While you can't predict every distraction or disruption, having a mindset that acknowledges these possibilities can help you respond more effectively when they do occur. Control the controllable, like putting the dog outside and turning your phone on silent. While also anticipating potential distractions in your presentation environment, such as background noise, technical glitches, or interruptions. Knowing that these situations may arise allows you to mentally prepare and stay focused on your main message.

Keep your cool
When faced with a distraction or disruption, it's natural to feel flustered or thrown off track. But maintaining your composure is essential in regaining the audience's attention. So, it’s happened. Now take a deep breath, stay calm, and remind yourself that it's okay to face unexpected challenges.

Acknowledge and address
Ignoring distractions can make them even more noticeable to your audience. Instead, acknowledge the distraction briefly, and if appropriate, address it with humour or a light-hearted comment.

For example - “Ok it looks like my child wants to say hello to you all! Apologies, he’s been sick and thrown us a curve ball today. Where was I?”

By acknowledging a disruption like this, then projecting confidence and professionalism, you will earn the respect of your audience. Remember, we’re all humans - not robots. Most of us have chaos in the home front that we are trying to mask. So these disruptions can actually help us come across more authentically to our team and clients.

Another example of this might be a sudden noise during the presentation. You might say, "Looks like we have some enthusiastic background music today!" A quick acknowledgement allows you to move on smoothly without lingering on the distraction.

Redirect the focus
Once you've addressed the distraction, you need to redirect the audience's focus back to your presentation. Reinstate your main message and steer the conversation back to the key points you want to convey.

Using engaging visuals, storytelling, or audience participation can recapture attention and re-focus the room.

Be flexible
If your initial plan gets derailed, be prepared to adapt on the fly. Sometimes, the unexpected can lead to surprising and memorable moments in your presentation. So stay open to adjusting your approach as needed and be willing to go with the flow. Your ability to pivot will show your resilience and ability to connect with your audience, even in unpredictable situations.

At BTW Media, we understand the importance of mastering distractions during presentations, and we tackle this skill in our media and presentation training sessions. So get in touch if you would like to participate in our virtual and physical workshops, where we delve deeper into the art of captivating presentations and becoming a skilled public speaker.


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